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- This product had a total of 94 reviews as of our last analysis date on Feb 26 2020.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As an example the book quotes stephen elliot senior analyst with interactive data corporation idc as showing that on average 80 of it system outages are caused by operator and application errors
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
After 15 years as a professional system administrator and manager i thought i had seen all the good books on the subject but i have never before seen a short summary of what usually goes wrong and how to fix your processes so that things stop breaking
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There are very good ideas topics to implement in real life mode even if it is not a copypaste of the book contents
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Also the phoenix project is another good one from gene kim
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The only downfall is because the book is a bit old it doesnt really reference any new technology like cloud services
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The better book to buy however is from the same author the phoenix project
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its premise is based on gartner research stating that 80 of unplanned downtime is caused by people and process issues and 80 of the time spent in resolving downtime is unproductive and there are systems administration principles and activities that can mitigate
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The problem with visible ops is that the volume of content warrants a whitepaper yet the authors seemingly add filler to justify the 22 sales price
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