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Pros & Cons
When uncompressed it rolls down to a very reasonable size. Yes it makes it harder to compress when it’s time to travel with it.
Once opened, takes about 1 hour to totally unfurl. It fluffs up to a decent size after a few hours. The dryer helps it fluff back up.
It's also highly adjustable in thickness. The first picture is for reference of size/fluffiness right out of the package.
It is extremely hard to compress. It is ridiculously lumpy. The pillow feels like it is filled with clumps of cotton balls.
Wayyyyy understuffed. They offer ok support don't always fluff up that great.

Overall build quality is great and packable ness is nice.
I guess time will tell but for what it is i'm happy with the purchase.
I wanted to buy one more but now in 2022 t costs $64 :(will look at a different brand for reasonable priced travel pillow.
Great pillow but no thanks on price
I put a t-shirt on it to keep it from getting dirty.
It doesn’t pack down as small as others, but it’s just as comfy as my pillow at home…no other packable pillow has come close to that.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
comfortable, small, size, great and little. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 9,579 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 18 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its great for chilling or hammocking but has very little support or loft to it and i find it to be fairly nonexistent when sleeping
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
First out of the box was a bit of a let down the pillow was almost crunchy and nearly flat
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
A few hours sitting out and much fluffing allowed it to poof up to almost normal pillow thickness but could have been better
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However after i put the pillow through a wash and dry cycle it exploded to a luxuriously thick very comfortable travel pillow
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Stuffed with large foam pellets this pillow shrinks down into a simple roll for easy packing and poofs back up quickly
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I used this for three months as my main pillow while traveling
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Great pillow but no thanks on price
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Just an fyi though it will need some time to completed fluff up so dont expect it to be the most comfortable once its unrolled
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