I have some yellowing of the teeth from being a daily coffee drinker, after several uses, there is a noticeable difference.
I would rebuy if needed, but i do need to be more cautious as i have sensitive teeth, and like all whitening products, it will ... Read More
It works very well, the taste isn’t good.
My drugstore had this on sale for $70 so i was eager to try it for $20!
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But my teeth were yellow and now they are white
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I would rebuy if needed but i do need to be more cautious as i have sensitive teeth and like all whitening products it will make your teeth more sensitive
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Please note don’t just click the uv light to see if it works
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It will stay on for 5 minutes