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Being sensative to strong scents, and have many allergies too,this is a nice and refreshing soap and being compatable to ingred... Read More
I really enjoy tom’s of maine products as i know they are not full of terrible ingredients and are high quality.
My hands were chapped, dry, and i ended up buying handsoap before my hands fell off.
Tom scents last much shorter, and essentially dissipate within an hour after showering.
Wish i could find in store, but this is a good deal and i will continue to buy.
The company donates 10% of the profits to charity, which is an additional incentive to buy these soaps and contribute to good causes.
I do wish the price were a bit lower, though.
I feel sorry for those who conveniently click on a reorder without noticing that the price has doubled.
The first thing that i noted when opening the package is the pleasant smell of each soap bar.
The first thing i noticed when opening up the package was the delightful aroma.
This tom's of maine soap pack contains a nice variety of scented soaps.
Both db and tom have similar drying effects on my skin (normal-to-oily).
This scent is only one of the few scents you may even like better than commercial soaps that are mass produced for the consuming public.
So with that, i wanna do a quick comparison:lather: i find the lather with tom's to be outright better.
Compared to other natural soaps i have tried this is superior.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, nice, good, dry and clean. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 51.2% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 4,439 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 1 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Theres no junk like alcohols or synthetic fragrances and the only thing that i wish would be different is the use of palm oils though i know its more economical for then to do so
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So with that i wanna do a quick comparisonlather i find the lather with toms to be outright better
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Both tom and db weigh the same so theoretically they should last the same amount of time
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However i feel as though i go through db quicker because the lather isnt as rich and i find myself using more of it
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
With tom the time it takes for it to lather up is much quicker
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This could be a bonus for some people and ultimately for me its not a huge dealas long as i get clean
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Scent so db wins this one pretty easily
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Tom scents last much shorter and essentially dissipate within an hour after showering
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