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Pros & Cons
I like the dispenser style - the lid stays securely closed. Just wish it was packaged with less/no plastic.
Toms is the best floss i have found. If you are flossing correctly, it is very easy to navigate this floss in between your teeth. It is a great floss but there were only 5 in the box not 6. Also the multiple pack is great if you are a frequent flosser... Read More
Don't waste your money. They need to go back to the drawing board for this. Also, this is not refundable.
It feels like a thread is made of burlap. It's thick and difficult to get between closer teeth. Then you wind up applying too much pressure to get it between the teeth, and it irritates the gums. If you are lucky, it pulls apart in mto three threads.
The texture is not soft and cushioned like regular floss. I normally like thicker floss but this one is so thick that it gets stuck in your teeth. If your teeth are at all close together this is not good floss to use.
This floss is unusable. Do better, tom's, or stick to toothpaste.
This floss is durable and will thoroughly clean between your teeth.
So strong and durable, and such a natural smell that’s quite refreshing.
It doesn't break now that i use a "sawing motion" against the tooth itself, but bits of the floss sometimes get trapped between... Read More
Many brands have slippage, so that i have to waste floss winding it around my fingers to hold it taut.
I now buy it by the half dozen because it's just less expensive than single container purchase, and i'll always have enough.
Tried it and it is much better than the other brand.
This is my preferred brand of floss, and this is a very easy way to get it.
I prefer it over a brand like cocofloss because of the flatter string and it's nylon instead of recycled plastic and i feel saf... Read More
Big reason is that it's highly effective in its job - nothing else compares.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
thick, dental, good, great and tight. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 2,502 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 26 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Other floss slips through my fingers
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Tom’s was a replacement product being oral b floss product was discontinued
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Everyone in my family has tightly packed teeth
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When we first got this we all found it uncomfortable
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My husband and daughters tried it once and gave up
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I prefer it over a brand like cocofloss because of the flatter string and its nylon instead of recycled plastic and i feel safer putting it in my mouth lol
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This floss has no teflon coating which makes it more difficult to slide between teeth
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But the advantage is that im not poisoning myself with pfas chemicals
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