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Pros & Cons
Not too gaudy looking but eye catching with buckles. Nice and snug and they're comfy. My only complaint is being a cosmetologist, the bottoms hold hair.
Suede flocking has no worn spots on it at all! it’s been 6 yrs now. Normally i have to try on shoes or wear shoes that are open on top, like sperrys. I like these a lot but my toes hurt a little because it's just slightly narrow in the toe area.
I love that it didnt slouch down w my wide calves. Just enough heel to look fun, but still be practical. I'm always hesitant about ordering heels, but these are not too high.
Grey are a little comfier. The one with the short shorts and the midlife crisis sports car. It's not really noticeable, but i think i will get another pair now for next winter.
The color is much darker than the picture shows. The fake suede was worn off in a few spots. The bottom is made of the cheapest rubber ever. It looks hideous. One defect is that the stitching starts to come apart.
They are pretty tight and uncomfortable. Seems kinda ridiculous that all other sizes are $20. Also, they are slippery on hardwood floor.
Very happy with the fit and how they look.
I have had no issues with the color of the heel like others have had.
Purchased the product for my fourteen-year-old daughter and she really likes them.
The one with the short shorts and the midlife crisis sports car.
For the price, you can’t beat it.
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comfortable, fit, great, size and little. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 17.5% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 1,127 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 31 2022.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And if you want to tighten the buckle you have to make your own holes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The true test will be walking around nyc in them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The calf section was way too large and i have large muscley calves
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The buckles are a nice adornation but flaps flipped out making them look goofy
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I try not to wear them to work but they are so cute sometimes i just have to wear them
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Should have gotten another pair
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Once i got them i had to send back and get a half size smaller
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Wasnt too much of a hassle to send back in and get a new size
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