Worked great add 450' distance to power a front door intercom system over 1 cat 5
Easy to set up and works well.
Worked great and at first was scratching my head how to use them.
It looked so awfully rusty when it died i was impressed it was still working up to that point.
If you want to buy a kit to save money on individual parts, i would think again.
Works like is should for a great price.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I am using 12v output from 48v input to the injector
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you do need more that one say several i would buy a poe router
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I bought the kit and it works great but know that this is not 802
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I would have given it three stars but nowhere in the description does it say its 802
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Worked well till one got too weathered
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I taped it up with plastic wrap to protect it from the weather all that did was trap the water inside
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Still have yet to find a good solution for keeping this outside where it will get rained on