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Pros & Cons
Gum is softer than most bubblegums i have chewed. Not like the other cinnamon gums on the market.
Every piece of gum in the pack has the gray smudge! I’m not sure if the gum with the grey smudge is safe to chew!
Trident makes their gum with xylitol which is safe for crowns, bridges & implants.
Great cinnamon flavor and lasts for a while.
Pop 2 pieces in my mouth and snap it and blow bubbles all to annoy people around me.
The gum is good but you need to chew at least 2 to 3 pieces at a time to really smack.
Love this gum can't find it near me so i'm glad i could get it on amazon it's a great value for the price
Amazon really helps us to all see who the price gougers are for sure!
I usually get these at the dollar store but i got tired of paying $1.
Not only this, but while i paid $11.
Same day delivery and a decent price for the amount that comes in the package.
This flavor is good, longevity is better than most other gums.
This way is better than when the store doesn’t have it.
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- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 80.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 13,241 reviews as of our last analysis date on Apr 25 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However the gum is rather 34hard34 and not super pliable or soft like traditional bubble gum like 34double bubble34 you will not be able to blow a bubble with this
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Pop 2 pieces in my mouth and snap it and blow bubbles all to annoy people around me
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Tastes like bubble gum should taste
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Only ordered one was concerned abut freshness
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Ive been chewing trident bubble gum for 50 years or so
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Once in a while ill pick up something else at the store because these are out of stock or maybe the corner store wherever i am doesnt carry it etc
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The stores frequently run out of cinnamon trident
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This particular flavor of trident gum does not last nearly as long as other flavors but it is excellent while it lasts
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