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Pros & Cons
Xylitol gums are ideal for when you eat a meal and can't get to a tooth brush. Cinnamon is my fav.
The initial burst of spearmint flavor is alright, but it quickly fades into a very medicinal/mouthwash type flavor that is very unpleasant.
New formula irritates my stomach and gives me heartburn. I wish that companies would stop messing with the formulas of such beloved products. This gum is expired. It has to be expired.
Second time i've received an inedible gum product. This time, with 24 packs, i am being denied refund.
This is the best you can buy, they are ada approved because it helps prevent cavitiesthe gum is also sugarless so it won’t give... Read More
I've been chewing it for years, tastes delicious,and this flavor has zylitol, which generates saliva, it will naturally keep mo... Read More
If you actually want to remember that it's still in your mouth and not swallow it on accident you have to take three or four pi... Read More
The gum is hard enough to give a fair jaw workout, but not quite what i'd consider firm.
Love this gum can't find it near me so i'm glad i could get it on amazon it's a great value for the price
Great value and i don’t have to search for this favor in stores, my favorite!
The price for the amount of gum is almost unbelievable.
Good price compared to buying a pack at the store every couple days.
Seems like this packaging through amazon is the only way to find it in bulk.
I ordered these for gifts bags and i know everyone loves gum.
I ordered 2 boxes of gum but the package was received opened and 1 box of gum is missing.
These are packaged well enough that the gum doesn't dry out before you get to use them.
This way is better than when the store doesn’t have it.
It is even hard to find smaller multi-packs in retail stores.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good, great, fresh, long and smaller. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 1178.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 4,786 reviews as of our last analysis date on Oct 24 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Gum gets smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller with the years
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Once youve chewed this for about 5 seconds is the size of a pinhead
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If you actually want to remember that its still in your mouth and not swallow it on accident you have to take three or four pieces at once
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Although the hand the flavor is quite strong
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Prefer the single packages that this offers in addition to this particular flavor
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was buying 3 and 8 packs at a time at my grocery store so i thought i’d try a larger amount for some savings
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This larger pack was the answer
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