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Pros & Cons
It is exactly what i have been looking for in retail stores, but no one seems to carry it any longer. My hand, fingers are sore after today's project though. Looks great now.
This stuff really does a great job of smoothing out the blobs. The tub shines again. Once dried, use a microfiber cloth to remove the rubbing compound / polish.
This is the second bottle i've purchased, and suddenly it's adding micro scratches instead of taking them away? I realize this isn't a polish, but it shouldn't be adding scratches either.
Nice easy to use and applies well to touch up a finish that needs it before waxing
Very happy with how quickly and easily it removed surface rust stains.
Tried different water spot removers by hand and with a polisher and was not able to remove the build up.
I used a microfiber cloth, applied the product on the cloth and rubbed the affected part with the cloth and the product.
10/10 would recommend this compound especially for the price.
Well worth the price and much cheaper than from auto parts store!
Got my car fixed for less than 15 dollars.
Further more annoying the price to buff it out form my dealership.
This arrived in less than one day!
Comparing to other brand this is very valuable.
Surprisingly, it was a better deal at a local car parts place when you add the shipping charges.
You can't do better than turtle wax.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It doesnt leave a residue that could interfere with a wood finish
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I can understand how some people dont see it as a very aggressive rubbing compound
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However it is good for a deep cleaning on a car surface before waxing
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Turtle wax makes a more aggressive rubbing compound if desired
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The brass comes out looking like new
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have a black ram which had a few superficial scratches on the doors from my dogs leashes
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I got one of those envy scratches
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Further more annoying the price to buff it out form my dealership
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