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Pros & Cons
Vanilla and chocolate are my favorite. It blends very well with no chunks. Just dissolves like nobody’s business and has no negative marks on the nutrition chart.
It absorbs excellently, with great taste and no bad after taste. The vanilla bean has a good flavor, kinda like vanilla ice cream and not too sweet. Also very tasty.
First time buyer of this protein. It was delivered in a timely manner and is as advertised. This is all i'll be purchasing in the future.
The fake sweet taste makes me dread drinking it. The powder has specks of chocolate/vanilla that refuse to dissolve into whatever you're mixing it with. Now, from the same seller and the same tub, the price is 90 bucks plus 20 dollars for shipping. Ta... Read More
Fully satisfied with the result ,great product
Also this is a quality product with quality ingredients.
I assume that they are likely selling it at close the same margin and that it had to do with the fact their costs went up that ... Read More
I thought the product would not taste good as 'out of date'.
It absorbs well with no gi distress before i bought it, about 4 months ago, for many weeks the price was under $44 for a 5lbs ... Read More
Great taste and the price is excellent too!
I also noticed that the price has increased as well.
5/28/22 updatewell the price has greatly increased, but it has for most things thanks to inflation and fuel costs.
The container and shipping times were not.
One, it didn’t have prime shipping; however, since my last purchase, i have decided to buy another 5lb tub and it does have pri... Read More
Really like the fact it mixes well compared to other competitors.
Ultimate nutrition, you earned yourself a loyal customer!
Its not something to store on a shelf for 10 mths.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
good, great, best, quality and sweet. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 2,222 reviews as of our last analysis date on May 11 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The container and shipping times were not
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I bought the cookies and cream flavor
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
There were two things i didn’t like
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I also noticed that the price has increased as well
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Bought this for the first time due to its low cost
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The media could not be loaded
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Tasted ok but doesnt have much flavor for being vanilla
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im afraid the lid will pop off from force and powder fly everywhere
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