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Pros & Cons
Great taste and mixes well into my protein shake every morning. Chocolate mint might even have a little more mint flavor. Peanut butter jelly is the best.
I mix with milk and it mixes well.
Bucks a five pound container is well worth the price. It also packs a good amount of protein, which is, of course, its goal.
The taste of margerine butter is disgusting. Has zero chocolate taste. The taste is awful but truly gourmet.

I mix it in with my coffee and it does a pretty good job of mixing if i first mix it with the milk.
Just please stop with the packing peanuts if you are reading this, they are terrible and get stuck to everything.
That means less fillers, and better product.
If the price stays the same this will definitely my new go to protein.
It is my favorite protein and at an excellent price.
Was my brand to go to but, the price is jumped so much not worth it no more.
Mixability is not that good compared to on.
Shipping was super fast, and i absolutely love how you get 80 servings of 25 grams of protein per container!
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 75.6% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 7,109 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 17 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This time i decided to go with ultimate nutrition for a change
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Mixability is not that good compared to on
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Wonder how it tastes with beer
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But when i came back the third time to reorder i found they have increased price by 30
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It’s a little high on calories some artificial sweeteners and saturated fat are the only negatives here
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Tastes better than week old road kill but only by a small margin your better off picking expired meat out of the grocery store dumpsters
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
May be chocolate flavor is better
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Taste like lightly toasted spice no after taste blends easily less than half of fatcolesterolsugarsodium than now sport whey protein concentrate
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