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The pencils are finished an a really good quality hi-gloss paint and you can feel the quality.
It doesn't come with an eraser tip, but i personally prefer it this way, in other parts of the world this is more common and of... Read More
These pencils are made of high quality cedar, coated in a dark red lacquer.
Some people demand for the staedtler mars lumograph.
Its the most impressive packaging i have ever seen.
Crappy plastic cases 🙄 when you pay this for pencils you expect them to come in quality packaging but it seems mitsubishi has other ideas.
One of the best art pencils in the market nowadays (together with mitsubish uni and maybe just a little better than staedler).
I have been using staedtler mars lumographs for a few years, and love them.
Japanese craftsman have more quality than their german partners.
They are often compared to blackwing pencils.
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- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 196 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 18 2020.
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Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The lacquer finish is excelente
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This happens because the wood is of inferior quality and more thinner in diameter than the mitsubishi pencils
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I figured that these must have been one good pencil and when they arrived it turns out they really were
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
But like i said it depends on the situation
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The pencils are easily 10 stars but the plastic case suffers the same problem all my other mitsubishi products suffer from
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Crappy plastic cases 🙄 when you pay this for pencils you expect them to come in quality packaging but it seems mitsubishi has other ideas
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This also prevents warping of the wood that can detract aesthetically and functionally as it will place undue stress on the graphite core potentially causing breaks in the core or destabilizing the bonding of the core to wood casing
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I purchased a set of hiunis with high hopes and actually tried them alongside the staedtlers on a section of the same drawing to directly compare them
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