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Pros & Cons
Have ordered and used this nootropic before - 1st time ordering through amazon. Good price and ordering convenient and shipping much faster.

As is to be expected from nootropics depot, the quality is superb.
It really gives me a nice brain boost and more physical energy when i take a particular mg.
) are of his own devising and look like they might have been developed with an almost rational drug design process.
It is uridine monophosphate (best for sublingual administration unlike utp or other more bioavailable analogues if used as a su... Read More
Very fast shipping, and an excellent product
Good price and ordering convenient and shipping much faster.
Have ordered and used this nootropic before - 1st time ordering through amazon .
The only issue is that shipping seems to take longer ordering off of amazon instead of their website
I recommend this product and the stack mentioned above as well as this company and anyone associated with ceretropic.
Nd and their sister powdercity consistently provide a higher-quality product, in my experience, compared to some cheaper vendor... Read More
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- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 73.4% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 117 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 25 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This form of uridine works better if held sublingually under the tongue
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Have ordered and used this nootropic before 1st time ordering through amazon
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However its inexcusable to me that there is no scoop to approximate the serving size or to be two scoops per serving or something like that
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Now i get the idea from other reviewers that they want you to actually weigh the product out accounting for settling of powder but apart from that being a tricky thing to do and trickier at bedtime ive not found it feasible
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I do have a fancy jewelry scale but since i need to put the powder in something i put it in the smallest plastic scoop i had on hand and then tared the scoop
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The powder just does not register at all until youre well beyond the serving size
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
And this is more of a problem since i specifically want to use only a fraction of the recommended serving size
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