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Pros & Cons

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V. Is one of the most intriguing novels of the 20th century. Pynchon walks a fine line between lunacy and lucidity.

Some think he is the greatest writer since the second world war, others think he's unreadable. Although brilliantly written, with incredible prose, v. Amp;d is a masterpiece.

The novel provides two endings with the use of an epilogue. Both endings provide a sense of futility. We all stumble through life just reacting and living our lives and when it is all over we have a story. The good the bad, the silly the mundane the t...  Read More

The joy of the book are the characters, their lives whether well lived or not, their foibles and their less than laudable qualities. For those who enjoy immersing themselves in a book there are few books i can recommend above v. A meaty, densely-descr...  Read More

Certain ruminations on something v-related. V falls somewhere between the magus and catch 22 in its irreverence and wild black humor. V anticipates delillo in its fertile paranoia. V is a challenging must-read postwar american whirlwind.

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The novel provides two endings with the use of an epilogue.

One wonders in what way pynchon's new york of the fifties shares this quality, the present-tense tale that ties it all together.

I did not know anything about pynchon and did not know what i was getting into with the novel.

Do not be so concerned with the crew stories or the poems,just read them through,they do not really add that much to the story.


, but the journey is definitely worth the price.

Is the idea of mechanization and routinization.


” peering off into the gloaming i saw distant lightning flickering continuously behind clouds and it looked like someone had fo...  Read More


Also, a cunning satire of the world ofintellectual, preserved, prominent disdain versus the world of the street-smart loser.


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    novel, first, many and new.
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  • Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
  • This product had a total of 492 reviews as of our last analysis date on Mar 11 2023.

Helpful InsightsBETA

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    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    And the seemingly jumbled plot actually coheres and focuses on but never really solves the identity of v

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    What thosewhoare would prefer women to exist as

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Perhaps some readers try too hard to figure it all out as they read through the novel

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    If you really want to get it you should probably read it more than once

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    If you dont enjoy it the first time simply reading for enjoyments sake then dont go back to try to figure it all out

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    However if you cant enjoy episodes like the suck hour of the first chapter or the alligator in the sewer then the book just isnt for you

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Some of us love it some of us hate it

    Posted by a reviewer on Amazon

    Is indeed dense and encyclopedic at times but if you cant get a laugh out of the first few chapters dont even bother finishing it

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