With the added value suggested above, mine is now a very good and useful tool.
Yes, if the manufacturer had spent about an additional five minutes finishing the acme threads properly, had oiled or greased t... Read More
, very unpleasant to the touch while adjusting the tool for use.
Otherwise it’s a sturdy tool with some clever design features.
Very close to the higher priced models made by bergeon.
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- This product had a total of 18 reviews as of our last analysis date on Aug 26 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Yes if the manufacturer had spent about an additional five minutes finishing the acme threads properly had oiled or greased the friction surfaces and had added a nylon washer under each of the small knobs
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As received some of the tool parts were grinding and scraping against each other
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Otherwise it’s a sturdy tool with some clever design features