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Pros & Cons
This planter is very sturdy and holds the weight well. This has a cross or x type bottom holding the sides together with enough space to hold a potted plant. They're great for simply switching out seasonal blooms already potted.
But i'm nitpicking, it's hardly noticeable. Still, that's a nitpick - very pleased with these.
Fast and accurate shipping from miles kimball. Great quality for the price.
Easy to assemble and disassemble. Fine quality plastic. They snap together simply and look great.
Seems quite flimsy for a heavy plant.
The 4 sides don't remotely line up, it's actually quite laughable. The instructions are worse than ikea if you have experience with that and you really have to finagle.
Don't listen to the hype, nor the influencers. Made like *. Not the ugliest thing, but not the best. Still have not received my refund.
I am pleased with the look and sturdiness of this planter.
Still, that's a nitpick - very pleased with these.
These look great, were fairly easy to assemble, and the price was right.
I was thrilled to find these at such a reasonable price.
I knew better with the second planter box and was more careful with how i removed it from the shipping box.
These look especially great from a distance!
It's a good planter set, especially for the price.
They may look cheap to someone who is a wood snob or a high-quality plastic snob.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
plastic, bottom, easy, cheap and dirt. - Our AI detects a high amount of irrelevant reviews for this listing. A number of the reviews included in this product may belong to other variations, editions or versions that may not be representative of the current product being sold.
- Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is high deception involved.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 59.0% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 949 reviews as of our last analysis date on Apr 12 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However i did work up a swear on eachi bought two to get the last side piece in as the corners and side walks don’t match up
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
These planter boxes are packed flat in a thin box inside a plastic bag that’s open on one end
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Not knowing that i incidentally pulled one of the planters out of the box from the sealed side of the bag while hanging onto only the bag expecting it to be sealed on the other side
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As soon as it came out of the box all the pieces fell out of the open side of the bag with a clatter onto my cement garage floor and one of the sides broke
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So disappointing but entirely my fault
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I knew better with the second planter box and was more careful with how i removed it from the shipping box
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
That said the first planter broke in the perfect place at the bottom where it stands on the ground
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I got lucky with how it broke so there was no need to reach out to the company about it
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