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Pros & Cons
Overall battery life is incredible, not saying it's as hight as $100 earbuds but it's up there. I listen to them on and off through my workday for a total playtime of maybe 6 hours a day and powered on for a full 13 hours. Good battery life. Easy to r... Read More
These headphones are great for the price! They are more comfortable than beats with the over-ear clip. I totally recommend these to anyone that needs a great (but not overpriced) pair of headphones. Great bang for your buck.
Sound quality is even better than my previous soundpeats. My roommate is a lifelong musician and audiophile and he loved the sound. All have the same sound quality and durability.
The corded model stays in my ears so well that these have become my new go-to pair. The magnetic ear buds help to keep them in place while doing all kinds of activities. They sound great and have the best range of any earbuds i’ve ever had.
The sound and the microphone are great for making phone calls they don't pick up much ground noise. The only drawback is some people would say i sounded muffled while talking on the phone to them. I mostly listen to audiobooks, and for that they are g... Read More
These headphones sound very muddy/bassy. Not nearly as loud or crisp as original soundpeats. No base whatsoever. One way thumbs down.
Sound quality is fine, especially for the price.
The sound is clear and crisp and the bass quality is very good as well.
I hope these last as long and if so, i will replace them with the same product.
I'm not picky about audio quality beyond no static and no bluetooth connectivity issues.
I ordered these headphones as a replacement for my previous soundpeats headphones.
I owned a pair of q12’s for a number of years and definitely got my money’s worth.
I used to have similar soundpeats earbuds and wore them out.
I have a pair of soundpeats that are true wireless earbuds.
- How are reviewers describing this item?
great, quality, good, bass and new. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 477 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 2 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The overall quality of the build is okay id like to see some improvements with the earpieces considering i had to order a new set of wings that would fit
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im not picky about audio quality beyond no static and no bluetooth connectivity issues
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Battery duration i havent done a continuous test i have used the headphones like 23 hours for 3 days when it warns low battery
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I like the magnetic charger but hate the fact if i lose the charger the headphones are doomed
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
One thing i noticed and i think is not saving battery at all is the led stays on while theres no sound when i press play again led blinks every few seconds
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Good luck skipping 510 songs to listen to the one song you feel like listening at the moment
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Honestly i prefer to grab the phone and skip the songs in the notification bar
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I honestly cant figure out why people spend so much money on name brand headphones
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