Due to product quality and speed of response to customer needs, i give this 5 stars.
Much better than the inspection scopes sold in hardware stores, and much higher prices.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Had it not been for the scope my son would have had to take it to a mechanic and pay them to find and fix the problemnow because i tend to be dumb when it comes to smart phones i had trouble linking to my phone
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When the battery is low the picture will freeze and the screen will go blank
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
If this happens either charge the battery and wait or plug the charging cable in and use it while it is plugged into a power source
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Also if you stop the exit the software then restart it you may have to go back into network settings to reselect the edoscope network