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Pros & Cons
The sun glasses are great while driving into the sun. They block the sun nicely, even from the side. Helps him from getting “ flashbulb’ effect that had been severely reducing his ability to see after being blinded by the very bright led headlamps. It... Read More
Glasses were well made and in a durable, zippered case. Fit perfectly and well polarized. Nice sunglasses, and all the more for the relatively low cost.
While they do seem to brighten up vision on an overcast day or at dusk (before it's too dark), in the dark of night they do not brightens up vision very much at all. Does absolutely nothing to reduce headlights glare at night.
The glass is a one time wear only gadget. The pictures on the box are basically a scam. What a disappointment.
I would buy again and am happy with this product.
I haven't tested the night vision set yet, but i was impressed with the quality of the sunglasses.
I have been bothered by the bright on coming headlights and these help with the glare.
I only wish the glasses had worked out for me because they were of good quality otherwise.
At this price i can afford to get a replacement pair.
Really pleased to find these and at an awesome price.
Was hoping they would resolve the glare in my right eye.
Lost perscription transitions, did not want to pay for feature in replacement glasses ordered.
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fit, good, prescription, great and yellow. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 17411.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 1,429 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jan 2 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Definitely needs better shipping packing
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The package was just bubble wrap and the box as very damaged
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Only thing that saved the glasses is that they actually came with a hard case
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Now that i have reached geezerhood driving at night is not as easy as it used to be
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It just cuts enough light out to see comfortably
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I drive between two towns on my way home and they are great in town and borderline too dark when there are few cars and no street lights
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
While these do help reduce some glare there are some headlights that don’t seem to be affected by the lenses
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
My order arrived with only the night vision glasses
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