Pros & Cons
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Customers generally have positive opinions about the portability of this radio, praising its compact size and ease of use during travel. However, some users noted that it is slightly heavier than expected and expressed disappointment over the absence of backlit keys. Despite these minor issues, most customers are satisfied with the product's battery life, digital reception, and convenience features.
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Customers have generally positive feedback regarding the reception of the XHDATA D-109 portable radio. Some mention excellent FM reception, even picking up signals from far distances with an extendable antenna. However, a few customers have reported issues with the radio not charging or the display not working.
Sound Clarity
Customers have mixed opinions regarding the sound clarity of the XHDATA D-109 portable radio. While some are pleased with its clear sound quality, others find it lacking compared to mobile phones or other radios on the market. Some users reported issues with FM reception and poor bluetooth performance. Overall, customers appreciate the product's affordability and versatility as a radio, MP3 player, and Bluetooth speaker.
Build Quality
Customers generally have a positive opinion about the build quality of this portable radio, with some expressing satisfaction using it in various environments such as kitchen balcony. However, a few customers had issues with the product's reliability, specifically the keyboard becoming inactive shortly after purchase.

Fantastic radio with bluetooth and memory card option,radio sensitivity and selectivity is good,audio quality with bass, batter... Read More
The audio has vastly improved on the earphones, providing balanced sound, not bass or treble heavy.
Poor bluetooth performance as volume us terribly low
The temperature displayed is grossly incorrect and i had replaced this radio once for this but second unit has same issue.
Overall value for money and amazing portable and rechargeable radio.
Overall a very satisfying experience with the radio at a low price point and i have nothing more to ask for, if xhdata fixes th... Read More
This is the cheapest radio that has full sw coverage i think.
It's a bit expensive for a radio but there is not much of a choice on amazon.
Sw lw not received singal even in open balgony.
At first i am thankful for amazon in arranging fast refund.
It is quite close to the d 808 but can also compete with the tecsun 9700dx.
I compared it to the pagaria r917 and the xhdata d-808.
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radio, good, quality, excellent and loaded. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has discovered that over 90% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 238 reviews as of our last analysis date on Nov 1 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Am is clear but fm is not such like
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Bought this product in october 2023 and after two months of daily use here is my review
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
This radio has lots of hidden features which i dont know before
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Purchased d109 from amazon a month back
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I have an expensive tecsun radio and this one is equivalent to that in comparison with signal quality and sound
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It catches many shortwave signals from china and russia in crystal clear when paired with an external antenna
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Its a bit expensive for a radio but there is not much of a choice on amazon
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I bought it just for one radio station 94
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