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Pros & Cons
Yohimbe boosts circulation to the brain, making other nootropics more noticeable. I use 100-300mg which is 3 1/32 tsp.
This review is in no way doubting the purity the extract, it's quite the opposite this is very potent. This combination is definitely my new man potion.
Bang for the buck. Hands down the cheapest, high-quality yohimbe i have found. The potency makes it extremely cost-effective.
This is hands down the best pre workout sup i've ever taken. Spikes adrenaline (epinephrine) much more than caffeine or ephedrine. Increased reps at max weight.
The potency of this product is equivalent to pure caffeine powder. But the package from bulk supplements says that a serving is 1/6 teaspoon or 416 mg. That's only a half a teaspoon full. It's way too much hassle to try and figure out what the dosage ... Read More
There is no way anything that tastes this poor could ever amount to being a supplement to your health. This is not natural.
Over all i am happy atm with this product.
Happy with the product, just the suggested dose size (750mg!
Bulk supplements had great products so imagine it wasn’t the product.
I will try it again tomorrow with the same low dose.
So yesterday i decided to try the yohimbe powder.
Value and taste are both are very good, packaging, is poor,cannot close the bag, zipper will not engage to close the bag
Upon opening the package i was met with a metallic nasty smelling aroma.
It works phenomenally, use it instead of pre-workout.
Packed into a size 0 capsule provides roughly a 400mg dose; also too strong for me.
I was hoping for more of a libido response from this powder, but instead i thought my heart might explode after using only one ... Read More
I'm a very athletic 180lb male with a decent stim tolerance.
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- This product had a total of 583 reviews as of our last analysis date on Jun 30 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I dont recommend to take the suggested amount after reading several reviews i went ahead and took a dose which is 2mg per body kilo not lbs
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I will agree with others the recommended dose of 250mg is pretty insane for a first time user
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Id expect most people to throw up starting out with this dose
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Be careful with this its very potent
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
It tastes incredibly bitter taste that will overpower literally anything you mix it with
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Unless you take too much which my roommates did
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They had headaches nausea diarrhea puking and chills for several hours after taking the highest recommended does for their first time
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Im looking into putting the supplement into pill capsules to get around the taste issue other reviews recommend shooting it and having a chaser which is a good idea trying to dilute this with more fluid only means you have to drink more of a foultasting drink
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