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Customers have mixed but generally positive opinions on the effectiveness of ParaGuard for intestinal support. Some report fast and significant relief from gut and digestion issues while others have not seen any change despite consistent use. The product is believed to work best when used as directed, with some users reporting improvements in bowel movements, energy levels, and overall health. However, a small group of customers have experienced no results or stomach cramps.
Taste Maskability
Customers have mixed opinions regarding the taste maskability of ParaGuard supplements. While some find ways to tolerate or even grow fond of the strong taste by mixing it with juice, others struggle to take it due to its unpleasant taste and smell.
Quality Of Ingredients
Customers have mixed opinions regarding the quality of ingredients in Zahler ParaGuard. While some are pleased with the product's easy swallowing and accurate dosing, others express concerns about potential toxicity due to the inclusion of wormwood and lack of FDA approval. Some customers also question the accuracy of claims made by the company regarding soy-free labeling.
Some customers have reported positive experiences with Zahler ParaGuard for improving digestion and reducing bloating, while others have found it difficult to swallow due to its strong taste and texture, causing discomfort and potential gag reflexes. Some users have also mentioned experiencing constipation after taking the supplement.
Contains ingredients as recommended by functional doctors- high quality dropper allows for accurate dosing.
I have used this previous a few years ago with good results and am happy the product did not dissapoint this time.
I suffer from graphic allergies and was told i may have parasites that have caused the allergies to get so severe.
These are all plant ingredients so unless you’re allergic to any of it i’d say go for it.
Have used this quite a few times; very satisfied & amazon has the best price; the taste is great to me
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- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 44466.
- Our engine has discovered that over 80% high quality reviews are present.
- This product had a total of 27,817 reviews as of our last analysis date on Dec 15 2024.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I looked in to the toilet afterwards and thought i discovered a new species of wtf from before the time of the dinosaurs
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I researched and found this product on amazon and thought i would try anything no matter how gross it might taste
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Actually it is not that bad not good either though
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I found that i should take 30 drops 4x a day for intense treatment
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Each dropper full really it only fills it up on the dropper about 13 of the way with a full squeeze has about 10 drops
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
So i did 3040 drops i got tired of counting them and eyeballed it after the second day 3xday for 8 days and never saw any parasites in my stool so i guess that probably means i didn’t have any
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
However when i started this i also went glutenfree and on a calorie deficit at the same time and noticed when i stopped the paraguard i wasn’t having regular bm’s
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
When i was taking it i was going every other day and when i stopped i went 3 whole days without a bm
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