Pros & Cons
These are my favorite highlighter pens ever to use when bible studying. Recently purchased a new bible with these highlighters.
Are aesthetically pleasing and work wonderfully. Will be purchasing again. They make my planner pages look so minimalistic and stunning.
Each marker has 2 ends, a highlighter tip, and a bullet tip. Some of the colors are more flourescent than the caps, but that is normal with all markers and highlighters.
The colors are so lovely and cohesive. The blue is grey, the pink is like less pink and more peach/*. The darker brown color is still sheer and i love it!
They look fairy be but there are a few places even on the pens that you can see the writing is worn off. Not there. Fyi these are not the real mildliners despite claims. The really ones work for bibles!
These are not the highlighters for me! The colors have a grey tint and did not go on smoothly. I received was not the color pallet i had ordered. I am very diligent about putting the cap on but they dried out/ran out of ink way too fast.
Quality is good, it is smooth, and does not bleed my books.
Great colors and combos and the highlighters are very smooth.
They do not smear and are not bulky.
After a few months the sharpness of the markers has dulled some, making thin details a little harder but that's also pretty sta... Read More
Caught these on a good price too!
I bought this for $10 during a prime deal sale that i have been waiting.
I always give my friends packs of them for their birthday and they also make great stocking stuffers!
The 15-pack gives you plenty of variety, and the colors are all beautiful and easy to work with.
As you can see in the pic, i got 2 honey orange highlighters.
Its really good and i would always recommend but the packaging tho was a little to like huh it came in a box with no protection.
On top of all that - and this may be the biggest selling point - the colors are nice.
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Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Honest first impressions beautiful colors got the gentle colors if cant see on pic
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They do not smear and are not bulky
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I was looking for very light but not too light highlighters for bible study
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
They dont bleed through my bible and are not distracting from the text
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
As you can see in the pic i got 2 honey orange highlighters
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I’m missing cream it’s not a big deal as i really only wanted the pastel pink purple and blue
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I like the double colors and the fact that the ink flows when pressing down on the point