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Pros & Cons
It is a really bright center-focused projector at night; brighter than any cvi camera i have. I have two of the cameras pointing in my backyard which is pretty dark at night.
Louis and cathy are the perfect example of how customer service should be handled. Doris is very personable and nice. In the future, if emails are going to be that delayed, i recommend zosi to have a template of information they need for a warranty cl... Read More
This 4 camera poe system works great. Cameras seem pretty durable. This camera is well worth the price.
This is a minor issue as i just use shims. Their remote monitoring and playback software, avss was updated recently. It works like a charm now thanks to zosi's customer support.
The system is not super user friendly or intuitive. Don't have time or patience for defective products or incompetent tech support. Seven months after installing the system, i'm done.
Two of the four 5mp poe cameras continuously switch from night-vision to daytime mode. Replacement camera works great, but the bracket you use to angle the camera up or down cracked in half across the bolt. I had seven cameras and only five (or 71%) w... Read More
Honestly i couldn't be more happy with the result this has given me.
Overall we've been satisfied with the system and it has helped bring peace of mind being able to keep track of things, especial... Read More
At that point i was unable to do anything more with the four original camera's.
Dead clear video in 1080p digital mode, replaced the old cam with this unit, and i was floored by the video quality.
This camera is well worth the price.
It does everything it says it does and is very much worth the price.
The price is right for what you pay for it it's fair camera
Louis was aware that i needed this camera due to the issues i told him and saw to it it was here fast so i would feel safe.
Coco emailed me a shipping label and i sent the camera's to zosi.
It is definitely a big difference from the zmodo system that i had.
I downloaded the upgrade files from the zosi support page.
I will for sure be purchasing more from zosi in the future.
I had my zosi 8 channels system almost 2 years now.
A good friend has a lorex system.
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good, great, two, quality and new. - Our engine has profiled the reviewer patterns and has determined that there is minimal deception involved.
- Our engine has detected that Amazon has altered, modified or removed reviews from this listing. We approximate total reviews altered up to 394.
- Our engine has analyzed and discovered that 79.6% of the reviews are reliable.
- This product had a total of 3,043 reviews as of our last analysis date on Feb 16 2023.
Helpful InsightsBETA
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Replaced a standard camera looks much better
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Louis contacted me right back and had me do a few things but it didn’t work so he said immediately for me to verify my address so that he could send me another one to test
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I can tell you honestly there’s a few company’s i know of who could learn a bit or two from this company
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
I will only do business with this company for all my security camera needs
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
At least thats what i thought
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The infrared leds worked but no video
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
Uninstalled it and got a replacement which worked great
Posted by a reviewer on Amazon
The camera system is works well until recently
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