Standout in Crowded Marketplaces
Enhance brand visibility and cultivate trust with an authentic shopping experience reaching millions of consumers who prioritize authenticity and quality in their purchasing decisions.

Fakespot Analyzes Product Reviews for Trust

Fakespot by Mozilla helps consumers spot fake or unreliable online reviews by analyzing product feedback from platforms like Amazon and use artificial intelligence to assess review authenticity and trustworthiness based on factors like language, sentiment, and reviewer history.

Verified and Reliable Product Promotions

Trusted Deals by Fakespot are promotions for products that have been vetted by Fakespot to ensure their authenticity and reliability. Eligibility criteria is based on the integrity of the products and reviews so consumers can be confident with their purchases.

Shaping a Trustworthy Online Marketplace with Fakespot by Mozilla

Fakespot uses machine learning algorithms and natural language processing (NLP) techniques to vet reviews and assess their authenticity. By analyzing text, sentiment, review behavior we can generate a comprehensive assessment of review authenticity and assign a rating to indicate the trustworthiness of reviews for a particular product.
Build trust by aligning your advertising with genuine product information
Our expertise in fraud detection shows consumers which sellers are trustworthy
Fakespot is your guide to see what’s real before you buy
Get above the noise and connect with a more discerning audience shopping for your products
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